Meatless Monday: Fusilli with Spinach and Asiago Cheese

Meatless Monday: Fusilli with Spinach and Asiago Cheese

Tim and I are laying off the carbs for a few weeks but I made this Meatless Monday recipe in September and it was quick and tasty!  I used baby spinach because that’s what I had on hand.  The combo of parmesan and asiago was 

Summer Meatless Mondays: Corn Pesto

Summer Meatless Mondays: Corn Pesto

Here is another great summertime meatless Monday recipe using everyone’s favorite summer veggie — corn!  If you are looking for a way to enjoy corn other than corn on the cob, this is a delicious and unique pasta sauce. The corn pesto and bacon combination 

Summer Meatless Mondays: Pasta Ponza

Summer Meatless Mondays: Pasta Ponza

Here is a delicious vegetarian pasta recipe I made recently using my favorite food of summer — tomatoes!  I had some beautiful heirloom cherry tomatoes that I used.  Roasting them only intensified their wonderful flavor!  I would have enjoyed the tomato – caper – breadcrumb 

Hail the Kale! Linguini with Breadcrumbs and Kale

Hail the Kale! Linguini with Breadcrumbs and Kale

I’ve belonged to a CSA for a few years now – CSA stands for “community supported agriculture” – basically you “invest” in a farmer and in return you get some of the farmer’s fresh produce each week. CSAs are great because they can expose you 

Meatless Monday: Basil Pesto

Meatless Monday: Basil Pesto

On one of my excursions to Chelsea Market, I picked up a couple of bunches of gorgeous basil.  I was buying something else but the fragrant basil leaves called to me and I couldn’t help but buy some! I decided to make pesto because it 

It Feels Like Summer: Grilled Tomato Linguine

It Feels Like Summer: Grilled Tomato Linguine

by Weeknight Gourmet Guest Blogger Happy Farrow One of my favorite cookbooks is Martha Stewart’s Everyday Food: Great Food Fast.  I love that the book is organized by season with subcategories (soups and salads, main courses, pastas, sides, and desserts), and all of the recipes 

Meatless Monday: Pasta with Sweet Peas, Sugar Snap Peas, and Ricotta

Meatless Monday: Pasta with Sweet Peas, Sugar Snap Peas, and Ricotta

Here’s another super easy meatless Monday recipe — courtesy of the new Everyday Food cookbook — that relies on spring produce.  The thing I love about this recipe is that other than chopping a tablespoon of fresh tarragon there is absolutely no chopping involved!  Perfect 

Almost Meatless Monday: Fettuccine with Peas, Asparagus, and Pancetta

Almost Meatless Monday: Fettuccine with Peas, Asparagus, and Pancetta

Today is my due date but Baby O is still happy so I am still blogging. Ok, so we didn’t have a meatless Monday but this recipe could easily be adapted to be vegetarian but it is just so good with the pancetta, I am 

Prepping for Baby: Vegetable Lasagna

Prepping for Baby: Vegetable Lasagna

My friend Suzanne had an adorable baby girl in February.  She mentioned to me several weeks ago that she had made my favorite lasagna recipe before the baby was born and froze it.  I decided that “make-ahead meals” would be a great blog series and 

Super Fast Spaghetti & Meatballs

Super Fast Spaghetti & Meatballs

As I am slowing down quite a bit with less than two weeks to go until my due date, I have tried to make pretty simple dinners. I adapted this recipe from the most recent issue of Everyday Food.  Instead of actually making meatballs, you